2024 4th International Conference on Smart Transportation and City Engineering (STCE 2024)
STCE 2023
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STCE 2023



Liangjiang Forum on Brdge Technology & The First Academic Conference on Bridge Engineering Safety and Resilience was held at Chongqing from December 17th to 18th, 2023. This conference was hosted by the State Key Laboratory of Bridge Engineering Safety and Resilience etc. The conference was chaired by academician Du Xiuli and Chen Zhengqing of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. The conference successfully drew the participation of esteemed scholars, including academician Xie Lili, Ou Jinping, Qin Shunquan, Yang Yongbin, Yue Qingrui, Liu Jiaping, Gao Zongyu, Liu Hanlong, Zeng Bin, and Xing Feng of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, academician Li Hui of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Japanese academician Yukio Tamura of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Chinese academician Zhao Yangang of the Japanese Academy of Engineering. Additionally, the conference saw the active participation of over 300 individuals, including more than 30 national survey and design experts, distinguished Changjiang Scholars Professors, National Outstanding Youth and Leading Talents, as well as a group of young experts and graduate students.



Notably, key figures from the Chinese transportation engineering industry were also in attendance at the opening ceremony of the conference. These notable individuals include Weng Mengyong, Chairman of the China Highway and Transportation Society; Xu Wenqiang, Director of the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Transport of China; Li Yanwu, Chairman of the Maintenance and Management Branch of the China Highway and Transportation Society; Yue Shun, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development; Li Guanshou, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Chongqing Municipal Transportation Bureau; Shi Shaolin, Deputy District Chief of Nan'an District, Chongqing; Yang Jun, Second-level Inspector of the Chongqing Municipal Science and Technology Bureau; Tang Yi, Vice Chairman of the Chongqing Association for Science and Technology; Mu Shunzong, Deputy Director of China Transportation News Office; Zhou Guannan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of China Railway Construction Bridge Engineering Bureau; Fan Lilong, Expert of railway construction and Technical Leader of China Railway Construction Bridge Engineering Bureau; and Jia Hong, Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of the China Railway Construction Emerging Business Headquarters. Moreover, Liu Wei, the Chairman and Party Committee Secretary of the CMCT, delivered a welcome speech on behalf of the organizers and hosts, and Yang Guofeng, General Manager and Deputy Party Committee Secretary of the same institute, presided over the opening ceremony.





In Weng Mengyong’s speech, he pointed out that the safety and resilience of bridge engineering is a complex problem that requires interdisciplinary and cross-domain collaboration. He encouraged in-depth cooperation among experts and scholars from various fields to overcome key technologies, providing optimized solutions for the safety and resilience of bridge engineering. Additionally, he emphasized the importance of close cooperation between the government, industry, university, research institutions, and application. This will expedite the transformation of scientific research achievements into practical engineering applications and promote innovation and development in bridge technology.




In his speech, Xu Wenqiang mentioned that General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the construction of national strategic science and technology platforms. As a state high-end innovation platform, the Laboratory of Bridge Engineering Safety and Resilience should prioritize the acceleration of constructing a robust transportation and technology nation while striving towards achieving high-level scientific and technological self-sufficiency in transportation. It should actively embrace the mission of being a key national strategic stronghold in transportation, living up to the expectations of the country and the industry.




In Yue Shun’s speech, he expressed the unwavering commitment of the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development towards prioritizing the safety and resilience of bridge engineering. The commission consistently places great significance on strengthening bridge construction management, fostering technological innovation, enhancing engineering quality, and guaranteeing public safety. He expressed his hope that this conference would serve as an excellent platform for experts and scholars to foster academic dialogue, exchange innovative ideas, explore novel approaches towards enhancing the safety and resilience of bridge engineering, and ultimately make contributions to urban construction and improving people's quality of life.




Subsequently, Liu Wei reviewed the development process of CMCT, providing an overview of its basic information. He highlighted that the successful establishment of the Laboratory of Bridge Engineering Safety and Resilience should be attributed to the unwavering commitment ofCMCT, Hunan University, and Beijing University of Technology towards upholding the principles outlined in the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the decisions of the Party Central Committee. Additionally, he also pointed out that we are now at a critical period of deepening reform and embarking on a new journey, and we need to further enhance our core competitiveness and promote the high-quality and efficient development of the laboratory. He expressed his anticipation for increased support from the esteemed participation of experts and leaders to achieve these objectives.




The conference comprises keynote speeches, invited speeches, sub-forum speeches, and speeches in the young scholars forum. Academician Xie Lili, Ou Jinping, Qin Shunquan, Yang Yongbin, Liu Jiaping, Chen Zhengqing, and Yue Qingrui of the Chinese Academy of Engineering delivered keynote speeches at the conference. Following this, more than 20 invited experts in the bridge industry delivered speeches at the conference, they are Professor Ge Yaojun from Tongji University, Professor Li Zhongxian from Tianjin University, Professor Zhou Jianting from Chongqing Jiaotong University, Professor Chen Airong from Tongji University, Professor Han Qiang from Beijing University of Technology, as well as the National Survey and Design Master Cui Bing, Chief Engineer of CCCC Highway Consultant Institute Co., Ltd.; Fang Mingshan, Deputy Chief Engineer of Zhejiang Communication Investment Group Co., Ltd.;  Geng Bo, Executive Deputy Director of Bridge Engineering Safety and Resilience Laboratory; and Meng Libo, General Manager of Chongqing Wukang Technology Co., Ltd. The conference focused on the sharing of the latest scientific research achievements in bridge seismic resistance, wind resistance, collision resistance, intelligent detection and monitoring, as well as large-span bridge construction and new material applications.


18日下午,会议还安排了“桥梁与结构地震动力效应及减震控制”“柔性桥梁与结构风致振动及性能调控”“桥梁与结构动力冲击防护及智慧运维”“ 第三届智慧交通与城市工程国际学术会议”等几个方向的分论坛和青年学者论坛。

In the afternoon of the 18th, the conference included several sub-forums and young scholar forums that covered the following areas: "Seismic Effects and Seismic Control of Bridges and Structural Dynamics", "Wind-induced Vibration and Performance Control of Flexible Bridges and Structures", "Protection and Intelligent Operation and Maintenance of Bridges and Structural Dynamic Impact", and "The 3rd International Academic Conference on Smart Transportation and Urban Engineering".